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Marcus High School's Online Newspaper

The Marquee

Marcus High School's Online Newspaper

The Marquee

Marcus High School's Online Newspaper

The Marquee

Celine Engel

Celine Engel, Photographer

Celine Engel is an exchange student from Germany and is doing her junior year here at Marcus. She joined staff in the second semester because she wants to try new things and has fun taking pictures. In her free time Celine enjoys playing volleyball, acting for theatre and traveling.

All content by Celine Engel
"As long as ‘boys will be boys,’ some will grow up to be men that act on aggression and assault but are never held accountable."

[Photo] Column: Boys will be boys

Madi Olivier March 14, 2020

"As long as ‘boys will be boys,’ some will grow up to be men that act on aggression and assault but are never held accountable."

"As long as ‘boys will be boys,’ some will grow up to be men that act on aggression and assault but are never held accountable."

"As long as ‘boys will be boys,’ some will grow up to be men that act on aggression and assault but are never held accountable."

"As long as ‘boys will be boys,’ some will grow up to be men that act on aggression and assault but are never held accountable."

[Photo] Column: I’ll love you forever

Tara Connick March 13, 2020

"As long as ‘boys will be boys,’ some will grow up to be men that act on aggression and assault but are never held accountable."

The agricultural classes will be transferred to the Technology, Education and Career Center West (TECC-West) campus by the start of the next school year.

[Photo] Agricultural programs to be moved to TECC-West campus

Michael Minton March 12, 2020

The agricultural classes will be transferred to the Technology, Education and Career Center West (TECC-West) campus by the start of the next school year.

Students lay down as they donate blood. Each donor gave about a pint of blood, which can save up to three lives.

Photos: M.E.D.S. club blood drive

Celine Engel March 8, 2020

The M.E.D.S. club worked with Carter BloodCare to host their annual blood drive on March 5 in the Silver Gym. Students donated throughout the day, each giving about a pint of blood to save three lives....

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[Photo] Alan Wen, 10

February 19, 2020

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[Photo] Nathan Tonti, 12

February 19, 2020

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[Photo] Andrew Gange, 12

February 19, 2020

zacn egge

[Photo] Zach Egge, 12

February 17, 2020

Students celebrated Valentine's Day in a variety of ways while on campus.

[Photo] Celebrating Valentine’s Day like a Marauder

Briana Castillo February 14, 2020

Students celebrated Valentine's Day in a variety of ways while on campus.

Sophomore Annie Geritanna sold bath bombs for her German class and made cards to celebrate Valentine's Day in creative writing.

[Photo] Annie Geritanna, 10

February 14, 2020

Sophomore Annie Geritanna sold bath bombs for her German class and made cards to celebrate Valentine's Day in creative writing.

Junior Brianna Cortez spent Valentine's Day selling flower arrangements for her floral design class.

[Photo] Brianna Cortez, 11

February 14, 2020

Junior Brianna Cortez spent Valentine's Day selling flower arrangements for her floral design class.

The band hall flooded on Jan. 10 after a bad storm the night before. The leaking ceiling got a lot of the instruments wet.

[Photo] January in photos

The Marquee Staff February 2, 2020

The band hall flooded on Jan. 10 after a bad storm the night before. The leaking ceiling got a lot of the instruments wet.