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Marcus High School's Online Newspaper

The Marquee

Marcus High School's Online Newspaper

The Marquee

Marcus High School's Online Newspaper

The Marquee

Michael Minton

Michael Minton, Sports Editor

Michael Minton is a senior and this is his second year on staff. He joined the staff after getting to know everyone and falling in love with the amazing team. In his spare time he enjoys cooking because it requires precision, patience and skill. In the future he hopes to attend UT Austin and study engineering with a minor in political science. By working as a politician Michael hopes to help others on a massive scale.

Check out his playlist here:

All content by Michael Minton
"My upbringing was the combination of a lot of good with a little bad, all being chased by an ugly truth. But in the end instead of having a Mexican standoff in the cemetery over who gets the gold, you find me. A boy who hopes that one day he can live up to his father’s example and carry on the lessons he taught him."

[Photo] Senior column: The good, the bad and the ugly

Michael Minton May 14, 2020

"My upbringing was the combination of a lot of good with a little bad, all being chased by an ugly truth. But in the end instead of having a Mexican standoff in the cemetery over who gets the gold,...

"That hug always felt like home. I felt safe and at peace. But as years passed, that hug changed."

Column: An angel’s smile

Michael Minton May 1, 2020

My Aunt Mimi lives in a recliner in a small house fenced in by 60 foot pine trees outside Cabot, Arkansas. Pulling into her driveway, my dad would wake up me and my sisters, saying we’ve arrived. My...

Take this quiz to find out which iconic 2000's TV show matches your personality the best.

Quiz: What 2000’s show are you?

Michael Minton May 1, 2020

1. When you're upset, who do you turn to? a) My closest friend because they know me better than anyone b) The funny people in my life because their jokes take my mind off of it c) Myself because quiet...

Senior Maddie Meiner high jumps 5 feet 8 inches at a meet her junior year, tying the school record.

Getting it done

Senior shares lifelong passion for track
Michael Minton April 29, 2020

The new Technology, Education and Career Center-West (TECC-West) campus will be opening in the fall.

New career center set to open fall 2020

Michael Minton March 12, 2020

The Dale Jackson Career Center will close at the end of the 2020 spring semester as a result of the opening of the new Technology, Education and Career Center-West (TECC-West) campus in the fall, which...

The agricultural classes will be transferred to the Technology, Education and Career Center West (TECC-West) campus by the start of the next school year.

Agricultural programs to be moved to TECC-West campus

Michael Minton March 12, 2020

Agricultural classes will no longer be offered at Marcus starting next year. LISD’s Future Farmers of America (FFA) and agricultural programs will be transferred to the Technology, Education and Career...

Junior Zae McPherson, senior Aidan Forgay and senior Ethan Kappler walk through the commons as they get on the bus to go to state.

[Photo] February in photos

The Marquee Staff March 1, 2020

Junior Zae McPherson, senior Aidan Forgay and senior Ethan Kappler walk through the commons as they get on the bus to go to state.

Members of the wrestling team show off their can of beans after a morning workout. The team practices Tuesday through Thursday from 6 - 7:30 a.m. to get ready for their meets.

Lucky charms

Sports teams motivated by unique traditions
Michael Minton February 2, 2020

Students from Central Elementary School get ready backstage on Jan. 20. The children were part of a cultural presentation that went on after the Marauder choir sang.

[Photo] January in photos

The Marquee Staff February 2, 2020

Students from Central Elementary School get ready backstage on Jan. 20. The children were part of a cultural presentation that went on after the Marauder choir sang.

Doge was a popular meme in the past decade.

Quiz: the humor of the past decade

Test your meme knowledge with this quiz
Michael Minton January 16, 2020

What is a meme? If you ask someone in the hallway, they'll most likely show you some image photoshopped beyond recognition or a screenshot of a tweet. Growing up in the 2010s, our generation’s sense...

The Tennis team recently took part in the Serve-A-Thon. They raised $6,000 for Lewisville Education Foundation and Pedi Place.

[Photo] December in photos

December 20, 2019

The Tennis team recently took part in the Serve-A-Thon. They raised $6,000 for Lewisville Education Foundation and Pedi Place.

Senior Garrett Walters dribbles the ball down the court during a practice.

Meet some of basketball’s playmakers

Michael Minton December 12, 2019

Abbie Barr, 10, Girls Varsity Guard and Captain How is the team preparing for the season? "Preparing for the season so far, during practices we do conditioning and try to show up every day just giving...

Elsa might take some time to warm up to you, but once she does, she is one of the sweetest dogs you'll meet.

Shelter profiles: Elsa

Get to know Elsa, who is available for adoption in Flower Mound
Michael Minton November 21, 2019

Name: Elsa Age: One year Sex: Female Breed: Pitbull Terrier Location: Flower Mound Animal Shelter Elsa is an amazing dog that embodies the strong and silent type. She will take some...

Luna is an energetic puppy that loves to play.

Shelter spotlights: Luna

Get to know Luna, who is available for adoption in Flower Mound
Michael Minton November 20, 2019

Name: Luna Age: Four months Sex: Female Breed: Lab Mix Location: Flower Mound Animal Shelter Above all, Luna is a puppy with a lot of energy. She will bounce around outside until she...

The biggest stressor regarding school in freshman Munachiso Nnamani's life is the competitive aspect of AP classes. She copes with her stress through prayer.

Q&A: Talking about stress

Michael Minton and Ayra Charania November 18, 2019

From the academic stress of AP classes to comparing themselves to others on social media, the modern teen can find themselves overwhelmed by stress on a daily basis. The Marquee sat down with a group of...

The Pumpkin House is a popular spot for families taking photos. Like those in the field, these pumpkins are also available to buy.

The great Pumpkin Patch

Local business provides family tradition
Michael Minton October 30, 2019

Most Flower Mound natives know about the annual Pumpkin Patch. Every year they come to explore the cartoon character cutouts, hayrides and pick out a pumpkin for the family. “It’s a tradition of...

Wendy Smith was presented with the award after her daughter, junior Leila Smith, played in her volleyball game.

Stepping up to cancer

Junior's mother receives Heart of a Marauder award
Michael Minton October 11, 2019

The entire volleyball team rushed onto the center of the court and embraced each other in a group hug. Junior Leila Smith and her mother, Wendy, who battled colon cancer a few months ago and is this year's...

Ice may take some time to open up to people, but once he does he loves to cuddle and be pet.

Shelter spotlights: Ice

Get to know Ice, who is available for adoption in Flower Mound
Michael Minton October 11, 2019

Name: Ice Sex: Male Age: Eight years Breed: Siamese/Domestic Short hair Location: Flower Mound Animal Shelter Ice is a sweet cat who enjoys spending his time curled up with as much warmth...

Rip is a very affectionate cat that loves people.

Shelter spotlights: Rip

Get to know Rip, who is available for adoption in Flower Mound
Michael Minton October 10, 2019

Name: Rip Sex: Male Age: One year Breed: Domestic Short Hair Location: Flower Mound Animal Shelter Rip is a very sociable cat who is great with people, especially when they give him...

Possum is a very energetic and cuddly kitten.

Shelter spotlights: Possum

Get to know Possum, who is available for adoption in Flower Mound
Michael Minton October 9, 2019

Name: Possum Sex: Female  Age: Two Months Breed: Domestic Short Hair Location: Flower Mound Animal Shelter Possum is a kitten who is a ball of  energy. She’s slow to open up to...

Before the start of the game coach Barker encourages the players to do their best during a team huddle. This is Barker’s fourth year coaching at the school.

Volleyball rebuilds after large graduating class

Michael Minton October 3, 2019

The girls varsity volleyball team faced off against Lewisville on Sept. 13. After every rally the girls quickly huddled on the court, either to congratulate their teammates on the great play or reassure...

Ryan Glenn Band performs on stage at Love & War in Texas alongside his band members Dave Moore, Steven Kistner, and Nate Morefield. Moore is Ryan Lafollette’s stepfather and accompanies him on guitar and vocals.

Rockabilly blues

Senior pursues uncommon passion
Michael Minton October 3, 2019

Senior Ryan Glenn LaFollette stood near the edge of the outdoor stage at Love & War In Texas, a restaurant in Plano featuring live music. It was the night of Aug. 31st and the middle-aged crowd questioned...

The varsity girls team placed 8th out of 34 teams and junior varsity placed 2nd out of 18. Senior captain Claire Reader said that multiple girls set new records, putting them on the path to a successful season.

Cross country hosts Marcus Invitational

Cross country kicks off their season
Michael Minton September 5, 2019

Cross country season is well underway with two meets done. Most recently this past weekend Sept. 7 the Marauders competed in the Southlake Invitational.  Varsity boys came 22nd out of 35 teams and...

During the varsity game, sophomore Caroline Hilliard runs toward the goal. The team ended their season after their game against Byron Nelson on March 29.

Big cleats to fill

Girls soccer rebuilds after state-finalist team graduates
Michael Minton April 26, 2019

Sweaty and exhausted, the varsity girls soccer team knew the 2018 state championship game wasn’t looking good. Houston Memorial moved so fast and never seemed to tire. When the final buzzer rang, the...

Momma’s boy

Michael Minton, Writer April 2, 2019

With a household of four, someone was almost always at home. On a January afternoon, I walked into my unusually empty house. I brushed it off and after a quick nap, I felt my stomach grumbling. I wondered...

Teen abuse remains widely unreported

Michael Minton, Writer April 2, 2019

Domestic abuse is a widespread problem in the United States, that does not discriminate — according to about 1.5 million high school students have experienced abuse in their relationship,...

Sophomore Maggie Moore prepares to face off against her Ryan High School opponent in the girls' first meet.

Fight like a girl

Wrestling welcomes new female team
Michael Minton, Reporter February 7, 2019

Editor's note: this story was named as an honorable mention for sports features in the TAJE Best in Texas contest. The newly formed girls wrestling team competed in their first meet Jan. 18 and started...