October in photos
The Marquee Staff
October 30, 2019
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About the Contributors

Emily Lundell, Managing and Photo Editor
Emily Lundell is an early-grad senior. When she’s not working at JCPenney, she’s taking pictures, helping write her friends’ college essays, spending hours on photoshop editing photos of her cats, and online shopping. She’s beyond excited to continue making amazing memories and produce the last Marquee publications of 2019!
Check out her playlist here: https://open.spotify.com/user/mhsmarquee/playlist/5rMfqKMqnGrdMHRb7jACNj?si=2uQ2rEI5QpK1d2lytsQkLg

Emily Seiler, Design Editor
Emily Seiler is dead inside. She’s a senior who blames her laziness on senioritis, but it’s really because she doesn’t like to think. She’s always tired and rarely has the time of day to care about anything but newspaper and college applications. You should see her attempting to learn in government.

Amber Luther, Graphics Editor
Amber Luther is a senior and this will be her second year on staff as a designer. She is excited to finish her last year of high school with her closest friends on staff. When she isn’t designing graphics or fixing her layout on a spread, she is watching Netflix or shopping. Amber is very excited to be this year’s graphics editor and create new content for the newspaper.

Esmeralda Arellano, Designer
This is senior Esmeralda Arellano’s first year on staff. This is her last year at Marcus and she hopes to make a big impact with the paper. It is her dream to pursue a career in cosmetology by attending beauty school and getting her license to do both hair and makeup professionally.
Check out her playlist here: https://open.spotify.com/user/mhsmarquee/playlist/0SsW3Dhutr2oySlQOpIlxl?si=PAlI0xz0RMyEjIYzLAIcHQ

Tara Connick, Managing Editor
Tara Connick is a senior and this is her third year on staff. She’s a designer but also has a soft-spot for photography. She spends most of her time in front of her computer stressing over fonts and layouts in the back newsroom while drinking way too many energy drinks or iced coffees, but when Hale finally kicks her out you can find her going on hikes or changing up her hair… again. Tara is so excited to be this year’s managing editor and see staff create amazing content in unprecedented ways.

Maya Hernandez, Photo Editor
Maya Hernandez is a senior and this is her third year on staff. Outside of photography her passions include avoiding finishing any of the paintings that she’s ever started on, decorating her room with as many cute, small objects as possible and buying any item of clothing that’s in a fun color. She’s looking forward to telling stories through her photos and to a great year on staff!

McKenna Cowley, Opinion Editor
McKenna Cowley is a senior and although this will be her first year on staff, she has a long-lived passion for journalism. She spends most of her time practicing with the band during the fall but still manages to make time for her other four loves: reading, writing, and her two dogs. She plans to study journalism and writing in college and she takes inspiration from Queen Elizabeth, Fran Drescher and Audrey Hepburn. Finally, she is beyond excited to spend her senior year with an incredible staff where she hopes to leave a lasting impact on the community while learning about journalism and expanding her skill set as a writer.
Check out her playlist here: https://open.spotify.com/user/mhsmarquee/playlist/5fPxmMAbvJrOQzWFSkOvYq?si=JstZgOHkQPuVqWTyFzaeDw