Marcus Journalism had a fun and successful trip to the JEA National Convention in San Antonio this
year! Our biggest honors were that Newspaper was awarded 5th place in Best of Show and Lit Mag was
awarded 9th place. Congratulations to the following who won individual contests.
Yearbook winners:
Navya Kaur- Sports Copy/Captions-Superior
Lauren Gariss- Student Life Copy/Caption- Honorable Mention
Nadia Haile- Copy/Caption- Superior
Jorden Garcia-Student Life-Honorable Mention
Hayley Drew- Headline Design- Excellent
MOB winners:
Sarah Cagle- Broadcast Feature Story- Honorable Mention
Angelique Cortez- On-Air Reporter- Superior
Newspaper winners:
Madison Ermenio- Newswriting- Honorable Mention
Marisa Charpentier- Feature Writing- Honorable Mention
Austin Rickerson- Sports Writing- Superior
Ryan McDearmont- Review Writing- Excellent
Sydney Sund – Infographics- Excellence
Hailey Painter- Advertising- Excellence