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Marcus High School's Online Newspaper

The Marquee

Marcus High School's Online Newspaper

The Marquee

Marcus High School's Online Newspaper

The Marquee

If it bleeds, it leads

If it bleeds, it leads

Lex Paull November 4, 2022

Rita Isbell turns on the TV. As she scrolls through the endless options of Netflix’s catalogs of k-dramas and knock-off horror sequels, she comes across a new show about serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. The...

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Happy daughter’s day

Happy daughter’s day

Raksha Jayakumar, Reporter November 4, 2022

Editor's note: This story was a Top 10 Finalist in the 2023 NSPA contest for Opinion Story of the Year. The tiny girl pranced through the library’s glass doors hand in hand with her father. She gazed...

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Tier ranking popular conspiracy theories

Tier ranking popular conspiracy theories

(real) (not clickbait)
Kaelen Reed November 4, 2022

S TIER Birds Aren't Real Very random in terms of other conspiracy theories. We can all postulate about the government watching us but birds being drones? Iconic. The official conspiracy theory website...

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Marauder Pets

Marauder Pets

Animal lovers show off their weird and wacky friends
Lex Paull, Reporter October 13, 2022
Senior Paige Wood’s family is full of pets. Specifically, three great Danes, four cats and two pigs.
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"That was when one of my closest friends said the nine words that would haunt me for the next three years. 
“There was a list, and I was on it.”

The list

Emily Couch, Reporter October 13, 2022

Sobbing, she rushed back into the classroom of my old school. It was the uncontrollable kind, the kind where you can’t even get a word out. Catching her breath, she was finally able to answer my question. “What...

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"The beautiful thing about being human is that we are capable of change, if we so choose."


Roslyn Dobbins, Reporter October 13, 2022
The people that you used to be don’t ever go away. Not really. They haunt you like ghosts, coming back when you least expect it.
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Ebbs and Flows

Ebbs and Flows

Garrison Acree October 13, 2022

I wake up to my mom resting her hand on my shoulder. “Garrison, you need to get up and come downstairs right away.”  Immediately, millions of things rush through my mind as to what could be...

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Staff editorial: Class rank doesn’t define success

The Marquee Staff April 25, 2022

Despite many colleges relying less and less on class ranks for admissions, our student body continues to place unnecessary importance on rank. Sophomores frantically share ranks after opening them for...

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"We spent a lot of time together. Somehow, she always knew when I was upset, and spent those days clinging to me."

Maggie and me

Marley Roberson March 11, 2022

I blame my older brother for a lot of things, but I have to give him credit for his obsession with getting a dog. When I was in 4th grade, he convinced my mom to get us a black lab puppy we named Maggie. Maggie...

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"It wasn’t that I wanted the title of “girl with ADHD”, but that I wanted to have an answer. An answer to why I struggled academically where others didn’t and why I felt like my thought process never matched anyone else’s."

Regaining focus

Alex Thornfelt March 11, 2022

It’s 3:15 p.m. on a Thursday afternoon and all I can taste is blood. For the past hour I’ve been bouncing my leg and biting my inner cheeks as I race to finish my human geography test. The words...

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"Often times, young kids are exposed to and participate in antisemitism without understanding the history behind it."

Staff editorial: Holocaust comparisons are inappropriate

The Marquee Staff February 9, 2022

Editor’s note: This story was part of the Jan. 19, 2022 in-depth package that won superior in-depth package in the 2022 TAJE Best in Texas contest. It went on to win Best 0f the Best for Objective Writing....

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"I felt that The Weeknd tried to incorporate so many unique elements that he failed to create a cohesive piece."

Review: “Dawn FM” disappoints

Marley Roberson February 1, 2022

The Weeknd’s new hit album, “Dawn FM,” has topped charts around the world, with over half a billion streams worldwide since its release on January 7th. The praise and hype surrounding this release...

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