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Marcus High School's Online Newspaper

The Marquee

Marcus High School's Online Newspaper

The Marquee

Marcus High School's Online Newspaper

The Marquee

From left to right: Mariah Baysinger, Kristie Baysinger, Lucy Baysinger, Orrin Baysinger and Wyatt Baysinger. The Baysingers have received around $11,000 from the community donating to their GoFundMe.

Small blessings

Family finds hope after loss due to fire
McKenna Cowley January 31, 2020

Editor’s note: This story won first place for news features in the 2020 Columbia Scholastic Press Association’s Gold Circle Awards. It was also named as a superior news feature in the TAJE Best in...

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Former LISD student Blaklee Briggs said that the support of her parents and boyfriend, Isiah Wright, is what helped her the most throughout her pregnancy. Today, she feels lucky to have such a supportive family, as she knows many young moms aren’t as fortunate.

Pregnant pause

Teen mom adjusts life after having baby
Samantha Thornfelt January 31, 2020

Editor’s note: This story was a part of the in-depth package of our Jan. 31, 2020 issue, which was named as an honorable mention for online in-depth news/feature package in the ILPC contest.  Former...

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Trees decorated with tinsel and ornaments by members of Help a S.T.A.R. can be found along Morris road.

Branching into Christmas season

Local resident spreads holiday joy by decorating trees
Ayra Charania December 23, 2019

Flower Mound resident Kim Berg passed one lonely tree every time he commuted to work at the airport during the holiday season. It was off to the side of Highway 121 and had a single garland wrapped...

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Sophomore Rhea Karumuru is standing next to Magan Lewis. Lewis is an agricultural engineer for Corteva.


Sophomore joins Girls Advisory Council of women in STEM organization
Ayra Charania December 16, 2019

Sophomore Rhea Karumuru was an introvert trying to be an extrovert. She fiddled with the zipper of her leather jacket.  Up. Down. Up. Down. She tried to do it discreetly, wanting to appear collected. Karumuru...

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Junior Katherine Eddleman follows a vegetarian diet and wants to make a shift to eating fully plant-based.

More than metal straws

Junior starts Environmental Club
Nikhita Ragam December 16, 2019

As environmental awareness has increased worldwide, millions of teens have united to address the issue of climate change. Junior Katherine Eddleman is one of them and has promoted the cause of climate...

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Senior Emma Eidmann presents the colors alongside other AFJROTC students, representing the Marauders prior to the Homecoming football game.

Flying past the competition

Senior receives pilot license and plans to pursue aviation
Adriana Pueskens December 12, 2019

She could see the blinking lights of instruments in the cockpit and hear the muffled transmissions of the plane through her headphones. As the plane lifted off, senior Emma Eidmann felt the ground fall...

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Senior Carol Anne Starks (middle) holds a sign with two other students attending the High School Aerospace Scholars program at the NASA facility in Houston, TX. Carol Anne’s 10-person group was tasked with studying the geography of Mars.

Shoot for the stars

Senior participates in selective NASA program
McKenna Cowley December 12, 2019

“Can I look at this stuff?” senior Carol Anne Starks said. She had just arrived home from a long day of middle school. Only 11, she had recently began sixth grade. Starks was talking about...

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LISD Locksmith Debnes Magnes credits her faith for helping her discover her passion for butterfly gardening. She wants to share it with others and always has kind words for everyone.

Butterfly effect

LISD locksmith finds healing in unique hobby
Madi Olivier December 10, 2019

Editor’s note: This story was named as a superior feature in the TAJE Best in Texas contest. It also won third place for print features in the ILPC contest. It was also included in the portfolio that...

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Sophomore Katherine Yezer listens to Fashion Design teacher Kim Watson as she instructs the class. The program providing stockings to families was created by CCA a year ago.

Let it sew

Fashion design class starts project for the less fortunate
Alyssa Cheatham December 9, 2019

CCA Church and Volunteer Relations Manager Thelma Cantu visited the Fashion Design class on Oct. 2 to kick off a project where students will make stockings for CCA families. That day, students brought...

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Once she got to middle school, senior Carleigh Brand noticed that teachers referred to her as "John's sister," which played a role in her starting to compare herself to her older brother.

Battling for better days

Senior struggles to meet high expectations
Madi Olivier and McKenna Cowley October 30, 2019

Senior Carleigh Brand, then a sophomore, lay buried in blankets with tears streaming down her face. The soft melody of “Lost in You” by Kye Dreams echoed through her room. She closed her eyes tight...

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Senior Alexa Navinsky's mom was diagnosed with stage three colon cancer in the fall of her junior year. After her mom finished chemo, Alexa focused her attention on bringing joy to children who have faced situations similar to her mom's.

Helping halos

Senior founds club inspired by mom's cancer
Adriana Pueskens October 28, 2019

Danay Navinsky had been feeling a pain in her stomach for a couple of weeks, so her family, including daughter senior Alexa Navinksy, decided it was time to go to the hospital. They waited in the room...

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Sophomores Landon Faulkner and Charles Payton read sheet music together. Peer mentors take a leadership role teaching them the fundementals of this skill.

In perfect harmony

Students connect through music
Shriya Mukkavilli October 28, 2019

Before starting, the room buzzed with friendly conversation. As the bell rang, the orchestra and special needs students formed a half-circle around the podium. Once the lesson started, everyone broke off...

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